In Ancient Greek drama the role of the spectator and the power of the gaze were of primary importance, in the same manner as in the theatre of Romeo Castellucci and his artistic company Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio. Posing the question “what is the meaning of watching?”, Romeo Castellucci advocates a dramaturgy of the gaze, attempting to activate the ability of watching, as well as being watched.
Photo: Romeo Castellucci by Avra Xepapadakou, 2017
Excerpt: Eleni Papalexiou, “The Dramaturgies of the Gaze: Strategies of Vision and Optical Revelations in the Theatre of Romeo Castellucci and the Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio”, in: Theatre as Voyeurism. The pleasures of Watching, George Rodosthenous (ed.), London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2015: 50-68.
World Theatre Day, 2021