GENESIS | Genetic Research & Digital Visualization in the Performing Arts

Thymele: An Open-access Dynamic Multimedia Dictionary of the Performing Arts

The project Thymele aims to create a basic infrastructure tool, an innovative multimedia dictionary, which will contribute towards the creation of a commonly accepted conceptual and interpretative framework for the Performing Arts, and the terms and concepts in common use in this field. Thymele will offer specially designed digital applications which allow the precise linguistic and formal expression of these terms and notions, their semantic interconnection, the highlighting of potential relationships between them, the recording of the argumentation and the rationale behind their gradual formation, as well as the location of primary and secondary material which could serve as documentation. At the same time, Thymele will promote the diffusion of knowledge on the subject of the Performing Arts in wider audiences. The dictionary will take the form of an open access internet platform, which will offer dynamic multimedia content with crowd-sourcing features concerning the addition of material and the use of hypermedia.
This project is carried out within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU (Implementation body: HFRI - ELIDEK).